Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The kids slept like rocks last night as they were tired after the long trip here and orientation. But they were up and in my room by 9 a.m. (I have a large living room in my hotel room which is like a small apartment.). We had worship, went over some important details of the sermons, and sent them to their rooms to practice. Each room had an adult in that room to help them with their sermons and to encourage them as they practiced. The adults said that the students did a great job and were very serious about practicing their sermons. They are a great bunch of kids!

I wish you could have seen your professional looking kids tonight as they left to go preach. Honestly, I have never seen a better looking, professional acting group that went out. They had a great experience and are looking forward to preaching tomorrow morning. Most will be picked up from the hotel around 9 a.m. The drivers that came to get each participant seemed like such lovely people, most were pastors with their wives.

A couple of experiences that I heard as the students came in tonight:

One young person who is preaching for the first time had computer problems. The computer and projector had worked perfectly at the hotel but when they arrived, the computer froze on the 7th slide. So they rebooted the computer but it still wouldn't work. They then picked up their printed notes and those notes accidentally slid from their folder to the floor. This courageous young person then picked up their notes and preached enthusiastically from the paper notes without missing a beat...still watching their computer to see if it was going to come back on and work properly. Finally, the computer and projector began to work so they switched to the projected slides and their computer notes and just continued preaching. The pastor told me , "I was so impressed. This kid is non-flappable! They just took things in stride and kept going no matter what the devil threw in their way! I can't believe it is their first time to preach!"

Another young person was surprised to arrive at their site and see that their sermon was being video taped. When they asked why, they were told "We are planning on putting this on the local TV station and if you wish we will make copies available to you as well." Needless to say that young person was amazed and excite to think that they won't be reaching just the people coming to their church but a much wider audience throughout the city!

I got to a couple of sites tonight to see how the students were doing. At one site a local church leader of that church came over to me and said, "What does this young person plan to take in college? I think they should become a pastor because they are doing a great job!"

At the next site, we arrived during the last prayer as it was a ways from the hotel and I had gotten a late start because of all the coordination details that exist especially the first night. I was so touched to see the sincerity with which this young person prayed! It came from their heart. They weren't reading it from their sermon notes. God is going to use such young people who put their soul and heart into loving people the way Jesus loves us! You have every right to be proud of your kids!

As a surprise to the kids, and to celebrate their successful completion of their first three sermons, we have ordered in Pizza for Sabbath night. But Shah...don't tell anyone because the kids don't know. :)

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